Open-Source DICOM Tools

A Collection of Free-to-Use Web-Based DICOM Tools

Below are a variety of web-based tools that have been developed by our team at CARINA. Please explore each of these tools and utilize them for your research needs!

DICOM Anonymizer

This anonymizer tool parses DICOM files to allow users to edit and replace information securely.

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DICOM Contour Comparator

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This comparator tool parses two separate DICOM datasets and compares their structure set region-of-interest sequences. The results are compared with a Dice score, Hausdorff distance and mean surface distance.

Deformable Registration Quantitative Self Assessment

This analysis tool compares the individual deformable registration datasets with the gold standard datasets. It compares Dice scores, Hausdroff distances, mean surface distances and calculates point statistics.

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TG-306 Dynamic Jaw QA Analysis Tool

This is an independently developed Tomotherapy/Radixact Dynamic Jaw QA analysis tool.
Author disclaimer: there is no warranty or liability relating to the use of this tool. Rigorous acceptance and commissioning work is required for clinical adoption.

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